
To Join Us Tonight at 6pm (UK Time) for our In One Accord National Celebration
The National Day of Prayer and Worship has announced plans to encourage every church in the UK and Ireland to turn their Pentecost Church Service on Sunday 19th May into a PRAYER MEETING.
The name of this year's campaign is 'In One Accord'. The aim of the campaign is evangelism, calling Christians to pray for loved ones, their neighbours and communities to come to Jesus.
NDOPW is looking to local churches and believers to connect with their own communities across the Isles as part of this national prayer campaign.
A simple resource is being produced to support and resource local churches in their prayer. We are doing this in partnership with a number of national prayer ministries including Thy Kingdom Come, The Send and World Prayer Centre.
NDOPW in partnership with
Click the links below to download you perferred resources:
Promotional Materials
Resources for Pentecost Sunday
Invitation video for use on Sunday 21st April
Watch Back the Pentecost Big Briefing on YouTube.
If you have any problems downloading the resources please send an email to
On Friday 17th May, there will be a hybrid Night Watch where Christians can come together to pray through the night, between 10.00pm and 5.00am. Christians will be able to come in person to St Andrews Church, Watling Street, Canterbury, CT1 2UA as well as meet via YouTube for the whole of that time.
Click the link below to find out more:
Download Flyers to share this event with others from “Your Pentecost Resources” Section on this page.
There will be a united Isles-wide celebration this year coming from Canterbury. This special online In One Accord event at 6.00pm on Sunday 19th May is available for Christians across the UK and Ireland to watch on the National Day of Prayer and Worship YouTube. Christians from across the South East can join in person at Canterbury Baptist Church, St George’s Place, Canterbury, CT1 1UT
Click the link below to find out more:
Download Flyers to share this event with others from “Your Pentecost Resources” Section on this page.
Click here to Let Us Know Your Plans for Pentecost Sunday.
Are you going to pray these prayer points in your Sunday meeting?
Are you gathering on Zoom with your prayer group to pray?
Planning to watch our National Celebration from Canterbury?
What else might The Lord be asking you to do?