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Prophetic Word



A Prophetic Note to The Church In The United Kingdom, Ireland, & The Isles

From 31st January to 2nd February 2024, a group of Leaders, Intercessors and Believers fasted over three days at King’s Park Conference Centre in Northampton. There had been two previous three day fasts in February and April 2023. They were praying and ministering to the Lord in accordance with Acts 13:2. The Holy Spirit spoke, and a clarion Call went out to the whole church in the Land:

A Call for the Church to return to the Altar of Prayer 
This is the season for intimacy with God and His Word. The Lord wants His Church back! Every denomination, network, local church, or group of Believers need to submit to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

A Call To Repentance and Holiness
During the first day of the Fast, the whole congregation were on their knees, some in deep prayer, while others wept through the Spirit of Prayer. This was not contrived, and everyone present knew that the Presence of God was in the room. There was a clear call for the Church to repent and come back to the Lord.

A Call to Fasting
Many testified about a renewed zeal and energy to fast and pray.

Some were healed of all kinds of ailments and physical issues. The grace to abstain was strong on the whole congregation. The Lord is calling His Church to rediscover the old devotional disciplines that forged the foundations of Christianity in these Lands.

A Call To Prevailing Prayer!
During the three days, the congregation spent two nights praying from midnight to dawn. People took up watches and prayed during their part of the watch for one hour or more. Some stayed up all night in prayer. Hundreds joined online to pray over the two nights across the Isles. From Ireland, Scotland, Wales and across England; they logged on and prayed.

We strongly believe that as Acts 3:19 says; “these are seasons for repenting and turning back to God so that times of refreshing may come upon the Church and the Land from the Presence of the Lord” We urge Christians and Leaders everywhere to repent and turn to God in earnest so that the Church may be truly revived, and we may see a surge in multitudes coming to faith in Jesus Christ.

7 Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith Acts 6:7

A prophetic Word for the Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland

On the 6-8 February and 17-19 April, 2023  a united company of intercessors and leaders fasted for three days twice. The Holy Spirit like in Acts 13:2 spoke to the gathering.

Now the Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go; I am sending you to Jesse the Bethlehemite. For I have provided Myself a king among his sons. 1 Samuel 16:1

7 Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7

We declare the Word of the Lord for this time; that the Gospel of the Kingdom shall be upheld and preached everywhere and to everyone in the United Kingdom and Ireland

We proclaim that there will be an upsurge in conversions to Christ, prodigals coming back to the Church, an explosion in church planting and reports of ‘Revival’ in many places.

We prophesy that vicars, priests and pastors will not compromise the Word but become compliant to the Spirit of God and His Kingdom; teaching and equipping the Saints for the work of the Ministry.

A Letter to The Church In England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales & The Isles

On the 6th-8th February, a group of Intercessors and Leaders fasted for three days without food or water. They were praying and ministering to the Lord in accordance with Acts 13:2. This is a summary of what they believed the Holy Spirit said and is saying to the Church within and beyond these Isles. 

(They humbly suggest that Leaders and Believers have no obligation to receive these statements as the Word of the Lord. That everyone should however test these words prayerfully with their teams and accountability groups). 

1. I Will Build My Church – Matthew 16:18
That every denomination, network, local church, or group of Believers need to submit the leadership of the church to the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ. That the Holy Spirit should be honoured and allowed to speak and guide the congregation as well as the leadership. That there will be a radical shift away from oppressive power dynamics to relational servant leadership. 

2. There is ONE Body and ONE Spirit – Ephesians 4:4
The is one Church in the Land. The Call to unity is getting critical. Believers need to unite locally, nationally, and globally. The spiritual forces and ideologies rallied against the Church are gathering moss. There can no longer be the disunity on the levels that we currently see. Congregations and leaders are encouraged to find others in their neighbourhoods and begin to pray regularly and with more intensity for their communities. The LOVE of the Brethren needs to grow exponentially and with immediacy due to the increased darkness of our Age. 

3. Go Into All The World and Preach The GOSPEL!
– Matthew 28:19

Leaders need to emerge and be BOLD to teach and lead their followers into the mission fields of local estates, schools, rough neighbourhoods and the digital space. Turn your congregations around from a comfortable “Come to us” into a radical “Go to them” mentality and focus. The fields are ripe and ready for harvest says the Spirit of God. Believers everywhere across the workplace and marketplace need to switch on their light to be the Salt of the Earth. Warm, Winsome and Wise should be the hallmark of Christians everywhere with a winning attitude. 

4. Some Will Depart From The Faith – 1 Timothy 4:1
The decisions of the Church of England to begin to bless same-sex relationships is a departure from the Scriptures. It should be seen clearly for what it is. We all have loving connections and loving relations with believers in the CofE. Our Love and affections should continue unabated however we draw the line with Scripture that cannot be broken. The decision is WRONG and there cannot be any compromise on the matter. Any departure from cornerstone Biblical truth should be called out. We need to PRAY and keep on praying, asking God for wisdom and patience. We should not declare war on our Brethren, or begin any campaign of hatred but letting the Holy Spirit guide us always.

5. Pray For The Incoming King! – 1 Timothy 2:2
The Church needs to really pray for Kings Charles lll . After the passing of Queen Elizabeth ll, the Crown, Royal Sceptre and Orb were handed over to the Dean of Windsor. These are being held by the Church until the new King is coronated. Symbolically the Church stands between two Monarchs and should stand in the gap in prayer. A) That the King will uphold the faith he professes. B) That the new King would not open the door to idolatry and mix Christianity with other beliefs in the name of diversity and inclusion. C) That the new King will have a relationship with God and be surrounded by good and godly advisors. For confidential reasons a number of sensitive matters and revelations were discussed which will be retained due to the nature of the information revealed. The key thing is that we pray intensively for the King!

6. There Is an Army Rising Up! – 2 Kings 23:3
We are on the cusp of a move of God amongst the younger Josiah generation that will seek God in fresh new innovative ways. We need to pray them into the Kingdom and disciple them with the Word and Spirit. The enemy is intent on this generation with all kinds of evil and dark strategies. The rise in mental health issues. suicides along with sexual plus gender perversions amongst other things shows the aim of the enemy. The Spirit of God is saying there will be a rise in the supernatural church along with signs and wonders increasing and reports of mass salvations. May we begin to give room for our children and youth to express the Grace of God upon their lives. Let us unleash the force within this generation to push down the walls of bondage and divisions.

7. A PRAYING CHURCH! – Acts 12:5
The Church in the Land can no longer be asleep at the altar. The Holy Spirit is urging Believers and Leaders to step up in the place of prayer. Start teaching and facilitating a praying culture within the church and family life. Learn to Fast too! Start taking responsibility for your High Street, local council, schools, workplace and neighbourhood. Commit everything to prayer and infuse your Church services with space to pray and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. If Jesus and the Early Church Fasted and Prayed, then we need to know how and why. Learn from the International churches in your town or City who come with a stronger capacity to pray. Learn from Charismatic congregations how to allow the Holy Spirit amongst the congregation. Learn from the prayer movements and prophetic community how to prophesy and use the prophecies. Learn whatever you need to learn from the diverse Body of Believers in this Nation and family of Nations. It is time to pray and to fast!! The coming darkness and sin pandemic demands it!

The role of Israel in the Nations and our Jewish roots was also mentioned by the Spirit in very sensitive and meaningful ways. To allow for unity and focus on the key issues, these revelations and words will be stored for the right time along with those concerning King Charles. We are acutely aware that the Church is multi-layered in its theology and worldview. So we (NDOPW) have only presented here some of the more generic but strong words for the Church, pertinent for this hour. There is much more to be revealed in the coming seasons.

WHEN YOU FAST…. Matthew 6:16
There is a growing hunger in the Church and within the emerging generation for an authentic manifestation of the Kingdom of God. The interregnum of COVID has stunted the spiritual growth of sections of the Church whilst sparking a fresh zeal and intensity in other parts of the Body of Christ.

As a praying community, The National Day of Prayer and Worship family has seen a sharp increase in the intensity and desire of many believers willing to pray and be involved in the spreading of the Gospel across the Land.

We have been led by the Spirit of Christ to hold regular prayer meetings as well as press into the prophetic Will of God through focussed intercession accompanied with FASTING.

We are convinced that the LORD wants to call His Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland to the ‘Threshing Floor’ of united Prayer and Fasting in preparation of what is to come within the next few years.

There is a surge and wave of Grace coming to the Church in these Lands!

With this in mind, the National Day of Prayer and Worship is calling on all Believers to prepare for a season of uninterrupted prayer and fasting for renewal, refreshing, revival, rejuvenation of the Church and widespread conversions to Christianity.

We have begun ‘trialling’ this across Scarborough and the Northeast Coastal regions.


but pushing forward into 2024

A United Christmas Campaign To Present The Gospel To All

The vision is that the entire church across the whole family of nations stand United to share the Gospel to ALL of society at Christmas.

We are running with the narrative and visuals where every local church and each believer act as a Light that shines to brighten up the whole land like a Christmas tree.

The campaign will be called ‘Shine Your Light’.

Imagine that every Church and Christian in the UK and Ireland turned on their ‘light’ to present the Gospel to their neighbours, friends, work colleagues, fellow students, families, loved ones…everybody!! 

Imagine that at Christmas, every shopping mall, High Street, Town Hall, Community Square was filled with Christians, singing, sharing, and loving others with the Good News of the Gospel in Word and in Deed?

The campaign will be locked in for the weekend of 13th to 15th December, but with an emphasis on Saturday 14th December 2024

The domain for this will be  with a social media campaign to run alongside it. The aim is to be united across all the streams and denominations at Christmas.

Denominations and partners represented, so far: Church of God of Prophecy, Baptist Union,

London Mission Collective, Ichthus, Evangelical Alliance, the Methodist Church, Hope Together, Catholic Charismatic National Forum, Redeemed Christian Church of God, Foursquare GB, Elim Pentecostal Churches, AOG, New Covenant, World Prayer Centre, The Apostolic Church, United Reformed Church, London City Mission, and New Testament Church of God

We call on all Christians to pray for this Christmas campaign to be VERY successful! That people will come into a relationship with Jesus Christ and become disciples. 

That the Church will be like a ‘City on a Hill’ that cannot be hidden and whose Light shines everywhere for all to see.

That there will be mass conversions to Christianity on an increasing level and that the numbers are so significant they shift the culture and fabric of society towards the Kingdom of God


We are joining together for a cycle of fasting month by month for the foreseeable future.

“So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.” Acts 6:7

Pray that:

  1. The word of God will spread. 
  2. The number of disciples will increase. 
  3. That the Church Leaders everywhere will be obedient to the faith 

“Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” Matthew 6:10

Pray that:

God’s kingdom will come in your home, family, friendships, workplaces, street, town, village, city. For the works of the kingdom to increase in our neighbourhoods. 

In Mathew 17;19. The disciples asked Jesus why they could not cast out the demon of the epileptic boy. Jesus then explains in verse 21, that this kind does not go, except by prayer and fasting. Note Jesus didn’t pray and fast before healing the boy because that was the lifestyle of Jesus. Prayer and fasting is not only about bringing the solution but more about being the solution.

Revival starts with us. We pray and fast not just to bring revival but to be revival.

As we gathered together, online and regionally, Jonathan Oloyede encouraged each one of us to take one day of the month to pray and fast. To recruit 3 or 4 others to ensure there is no day, that isn’t marked by fasting and prayer. Given that on occasions it won’t be possible for someone to focus on their particular day.

The fast would be from 12am to 6pm. Just water. But to make allowances for medical nutritional needs. Where there are less than 31 days in the month choose to focus on the 1st of the next month. If your day falls on a major festival such as Christmas or Easter day then choose a unique and personal way to fast and pray as the Spirit leads you.

You can organise 31 Churches in your region or City to join in

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